2018年12月5日 星期三

The deep and sharp ditch-like carvings on the hard and firm jade 於堅硬而韌固的玉石上深而尖銳的溝渠狀雕刻高級工藝技術

The deep and sharp ditch-like carvings on the hard and firm jade (Mohs scale of mineral hardness: 6-6.5) are apparently much more advanced than the techniques used by the far ancient Chinese since the Stone Age until the 17-20th century Qing dynasty (1644 - 1912) on our Planet Earth.

於堅硬而韌固的玉石(摩氏硬度: 6-6.5)上深而尖銳的溝渠狀雕刻高級工藝技術顯然是遠遠超過了在我們的星球地球上所使用的自石器時代之遠古中國人至17-20世紀清朝(1644-1912)所使用的工藝技術。

