2018年12月17日 星期一

Golden color Tianhuang Stone carved artifacts are so expensive because they're just like golden works of art 黃金黃色的田黃石雕刻藝術品是如此地昂貴係因為它們好像是黃金做的工藝品

Golden color Tianhuang Stone carved artifacts are so expensive because they're just like golden works of art. They were the favorite of Emperor Qianlong Qing dynasty.


Official Website 官網網址:

Orion Museum Website 網路博物館:

Left Photo 左方圖:

黃金黃色的田黃石雕蒼龍教子鈕方印 210 公克 g

A Golden color Tianhuang Stone Carved "Mother Dragon teaching her Son Dragon" Decorated Square Seal Carving

尺寸 Size: H 9.3 x W 3.4 x Depth 3.3 公分 厘米 cm 
重量 Weight: 210 公克 grams

價格:新台幣 一千八百萬元。
Price : US$ 600,000 dollars.

Right Photo 右方圖: 

(香港蘇富比拍賣 Sotheby 's Hong Kong)

明十七世紀田黃石雕瑞獅紙鎮(200 公克 g


A Golden color Tianhuang Stone Carved "An Auspicious Lion" Decorated Paperweight Carving in 17th century Ming dynasty

'The royal ceramic works of art Ming dynasty' Auction by Sotheby's Hong Kong on October 7th, 2006.

重量 Weight: 200 公克 grams

拍賣成交價格:4,089.28 萬元
Auction price realized: US$ 1.36 million dollars.

Left Photo 左方圖:

黃金黃色田黃石雕瑞獸鈕方印 228 公克 g

A Golden color Tianhuang Stone Carved ‘An Auspicious Beast’ Decorated Square Seal Carving

尺寸 Size: H 6 x W 4.1 x Depth 4.1 公分 厘米 cm
重量 Weight: 228 公克 grams

價格:NT$ 新台幣 二千四百萬元。
Price : US$ 800,000 dollars.

Right Photo 右方圖: 

(香港蘇富比拍賣 Sotheby 's Hong Kong)

明十七世紀田黃石雕瑞獅紙鎮(200 公克 g


A Golden color Tianhuang Stone Carved "An Auspicious Lion" Decorated Paperweight Carving in 17th century Ming dynasty

'The royal ceramic works of art Ming dynasty' Auction by Sotheby's Hong Kong on October 7th, 2006.

重量 Weight: 200 公克 grams

拍賣成交價格:4,089.28 萬元
Auction price realized: US$ 1.36 million dollars.

Left Photo 左方圖:

黃金黃色田黃石雕瑞獸鈕方印 228 公克 g

A Golden color Tianhuang Stone Carved ‘An Auspicious Beast’ Decorated Square Seal Carving

尺寸 Size: H 6 x W 4.1 x Depth 4.1 公分 厘米 cm
重量 Weight: 228 公克 grams

價格:NT$ 新台幣 二千四百萬元。
Price : US$ 800,000 dollars.

Right Photo 右方圖: 

(中國嘉德國際拍賣 China Guardian Auctions)

黃金黃田黃石太獅少獅鈕方章(80 公克 g


A Golden color Tianhuang Stone Carved "An Old Lion and his Young Lion" Decorated Square Seal Carving

'The Best National Stone Treasures' Auction by China Guardian Auctions Co.,Ltd. on November 19th, 2013.

重量 Weight: 80 公克 grams

拍賣成交價格:1,115.5 萬元
Auction price realized: US$ 372,000 dollars.

Left Photo 左方圖:

頭帶田黃凍石皮 田黃凍石淺浮雕 明朝果核微雕技術 《二十四孝臥冰求鯉故事》 薄意方印

A Tianhuangdong Stone bas-relief, fruit pit micro-carving technique in Ming dynasty, "One of Twenty-four Filial Piety Legends, the story of a Child lying on Ice seeking for Carp Fish" Decorated Square Seal Carving with yellow Tianhuangdong Stone-skin on the top

尺寸 Size:  H 7 x  W 2.5 x Depth 2.5 公分 厘米 cm
重量 Weight: 107 公克 grams

價格:新台幣 三千萬元。
Price : US$ 1 million dollars.

Right Photo 右方圖: 

(北京保利國際拍賣 China Beijing Poly International Auction)

清吳昌碩刻來修齊田黃章(239 公克 g


A Tianhuang Stone Carved "Lai Xiuqi" Decorated Square Seal Carving by Wu Changshuo Qing Dynasty

'The Leisured Appreciation in Beijing – The Stationery Ware of Jian Song Ge Pavilion' Auction by China Beijing Poly International Auction Co.,Ltd. on June 4th, 2013.

重量 Weight: 239 公克 grams

拍賣成交價格:1,380 萬元
Auction price realized: US$ 460,000 dollars.

