2018年11月3日 星期六

清朝乾隆皇帝(1711年9月25日-1799年2月7日在世享年88歲)的長壽秘密 The Longevity secret of Emperor Qianlong (September 25, 1711 - February 7, 1799, at the age of 88) of the Qing Dynasty


摘錄自田黃石如何鑑定?分享鑑定田黃石秘訣一文(2017/05/24 來源:古玩鑑賞交易諮詢)如下:

























頭戴田黃石皮 田黃石雕山水人物薄意方印擺件(1,810 公克)的收藏家於2018112日半夜早上 2 點鐘睡覺中醒來,突然感覺頭疼異常,只好以雙手皮膚緊緊抱住前開巨大田黃石盤手把玩,盤手把玩經過了半小時後,頭疼感覺竟然完全消失,簡直是不可思議的神奇奧妙。


因此,此方頭戴田黃石皮 田黃石雕山水人物薄意方印擺件(1,810 公克)於2018112日以後之售價調整為新台幣六億元,或是美金二千萬元。

The Longevity secret of Emperor Qianlong (September 25, 1711 - February 7, 1799, at the age of 88) of the Qing Dynasty

Extracted from:

How to identify Tianhuang Stone? Share the technical secrets of the identification of the Tianhuang Stone

One article (2017/05/24 Source: Antique Appreciation, Trading, and Consultation) as below:

Tianhuang Stone is a unique "soft gem" in China. Only one piece of farming field, which is less than one square kilometer in Shoushan, Fujian province, China, has Tianhuang Stone produced in the world. Because the color of Tianhuang Stone is generally yellowish and it's produced in the fields, it is called Tian(field) huang(yellowish) Stone. Its stone material has transparency, dense, smooth, and delicate feeling by hand-touch, glossy and glassy luster, and it is the first class product in soft carved stone.

In the Ming and Qing dynasties China, Tianhuang Stones were all used as tributes to the Imperial Palace, and were carved into royal seals and artistic ornaments. Therefore, Tianhuang Stone was revered as the "king of the stone" and "the stone emperor", so its worth is unparalleled. ......

From the attributes of Tianhuang Stone, all the artworks that have been carved in Tianhuang Stone can be regarded as cultural relics, because it can not be copied, it is a non-renewable art. Tianhuang Stone had a very low output in the past generations. After hundreds of years of continuous excavation, it has been exhausted so far. The Tianhuang Stone excavated in the past, which has been passed down to the present, has become a rare treasure and has entered the collection institutions at China and abroad. The scattered ones in the folk people are all treasured by collectors. ......

After the Qing Dynasty ruled into the south area of Great Wall from the northeast near Korea, and finished the Ming Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty regime was established. In order to consolidate its ruling, the Qing government suppressed the anti-Qing forces on the one hand and vigorously restored the economy on the other, and adopted a series of Chinese culture characterized by the Han culture. Cultural rule measures, using historical renowned person with a certain cultural foundation, and cultural products with various cultural backgrounds, are connected with the Heaven and are organically linked with the royal court ruling Emperor, thus achieving the goal of ruling the inner hearts of Chinese people.

For example, the story of the Kangxi Emperor's dream with the historical renowned General Guan Yu's dialogue sensationalized the whole country, and in the Jiezhou state, Shanxi province, China, where was the original home state of Guan Yu, Qing government built the Guandi(Guan Emperor) Temple according to the specifications of the royal palace, and the Guandi Temple was spread all over the country. This move has taken advantage of people's advocacy of orthodoxy and has greatly reduced people's anti-Qing-Dynasty mentality.

Tianhuang Stone made good fortune in the situation that this political measure was gradually improved, and was honored as "Stone Emperor" and "Stone King".

The Emperor Qianlong dreamed that the great Jade Emperor God of the Heaven granted him Tianhuang Stone and gave the book with three Chinese characters "Fu(Blessing), Shou(Longevity), Tian(Farming Field)". On the New Year's Day, the story of Tian Huang's sacrifice to the great Heaven was discussed in the literati's and noble's talks. The Tianhuang Stone produced by Shoushan in Fujian Province China was used by the Qing government as the hints, giving "Duo(much) Fu(Blessing) Duo(much) Shou(Longevity), Wang(King's) Tu(Land) Guang(from East to West) Mau(from North to South)", means that the Qing' s country territory is given by the Heaven to preach the national subjects of "the world under the Heaven, the land of the kingdom, until to the shore of the soil, and all the subjects of the king.", the ruling consciousness of the dynasty.

Thus the Emperor Qianlong collected a large number of Tianhuang Stones, and used Tianhuang Stones to carve royal seals. The famous "San Xi Tang" seal, "Changchun Book House" seal, together with the "Uniquely fine one" incised white character square seal, the "Happy Heaven" red character round seal, and the "Qian Long Chen(Palace) Han(Pen and Literature)" red character square seal, that these three seals are carved with a piece of Tianhuang Stone, are all Qianlong Emperor's seals carved in Tianhuang Stones and were all collected in the Beijing Palace Museum at present.

In this way, the ruling officials and the folk civilians actually competed with others to buy the seals carved with
Tianhuang Stone, to show off the identity of the Tianhuang Stone, or to pray for blessing, to pray for longevity, to pray for farming field (Tian means Land or Business Enterprise) and to collect Tianhuang Stones or to carve the seals with Tianhuang Stone.

To this end, the price and value of Tianhuang Stone was then booming up endlessly. There is the poet Zheng Luoying's "Untitled" poem to confirm that: "The price of that can purchase whole a city, and this stone's name is called Tian Huang."


At that time, the value of Tianhuang Stone was priced by its weight, equivalent to gold. The so-called "the value of one weight Tianhuang Stone equals that of the same weight Gold" or "Several times much more valuable than Gold", "Gold is easy to get, Tianhuang Stone is hard to find."

By the end of the Qing Dynasty, the price of ordinary Tianhuang Stone had risen to "three times of gold". Mr. Shi Shuqing, in the article The Tianhuang Stone couple seals of the Qing Royal King Yiqing said: "Tianhuang Stone is produced in the middle of the field, without stone mineral veins, can be found in natural blocks. The excavation of the sedimentary stone under the farming field is extremely difficult, and most of them are accidentally discovered by local farmers. The winners are regarded as treasures, so they are rare and rare....

Today, Tianhuang Stone is already gone quite a long time, gold has a price, and Tianhuang Stone can be priceless.” It can be seen that Tianhuang Stone is extremely difficult to mine, which is the first reason why Tianhuang Stone is rare.

Moreover, the old Tianhuang Stone Seal of the collectors I saw by the author has become mostly short in a few centimeters high. From the handle style of the seal, it is known that the original stone is high in inches, and most of them are with little carved handle. The seal has been re-scrubed to be engraved in new self-names' characters again and again, and after several people's re-carvings, the seal has been turned into a short "dwarf-seal". If it is re-scrubed again, then it cannot be carved any longer. It can be seen that many Tianhuang Stone Seals have been disappeared due to the re-scrubbing, which is the second reason why Tianhuang Stone Seal is rare.

Tianhuang Stone was produced in the sand layer at the bottom of the water bank field next to the "Shoushan River". The total area of ​​the stone-producing land is less than one square kilometer. It has been dug for more than one hundred years at the end of the Qing Dynasty. The stone farmer has been digging for several months without a stone nowadays. Even if the stone farmer found it, and it was also purchased and shipped abroad by Taiwanese. This is the third reason why Tianhuang Stone Seal is rare. Its price is no longer in terms of gold. ......

"Today, Tianhuang Stone is gone quite a long time, gold is valuable, and Tianhuang Stone can be priceless."


As a substance in the universe, Tianhuang Stone has been formed in a special environment for millions of years. Its quality has undergone certain changes, and its essential features have been formed. This is the nature of Tianhuang Stone.

This quality is an invisible, non-linear, high-level material composition that is not observed in modern scientific instruments. Just like a human body's nerve meridian, it is not detected by any instrument, and the objective existence of a light guide system is also the same. ......

However, this high substance can activate on the movement of the object molecules: "In the cold winter season in Beijing, the ink is often frozen. If the Tianhuang Stone is placed on it, it can be thawed immediately.

According to Guo Bocang’s articleThe Record of Unique Products in Fujian Province, in which it is written "Tianhuang Stone is formed by the extreme strength of the earth and the soil, so it is not frozen and has no natural mineral grain in the cold winter season."

Others said that long-term use of Tianhuang Stone powder can prolong life." It is precisely because of its high substance acting on the human body that causes changes in human cells.

Original URL of the above article: https://read01.com/7e4Mno.html

The collector of the Tianhuang Stone Carved ‘Landscape and Figure’ Decorated Square Seal Carving with yellow Tianhuang Stone-skin on the top (1,810 grams) woke up at 2 o'clock in the morning on November 2, 2018. Suddenly, he felt a headache and had to hold the above huge Tianhuang Stone by his hands tightly and played it. After half an hour of playing, the headache was felt completely gone. It was an incredible magical mystery.

Therefore, the Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty particularly preferred Tianhuang Stone, and should have its own special reasons and be not known to outsiders for the active reasons and royal secrets.

Therefore, the price of this Tianhuang Stone Carved ‘Landscape and Figure’ Decorated Square Seal Carving with yellow Tianhuang Stone-skin on the top (1,810 grams) is to be adjusted to NT$ 600 million or US$ 20 million after November 2, 2018.

介紹影片 Videos of Introduction:

(1) 清乾隆帝長壽秘密 (田黃石) The Longevity secret of Qing Emperor Qianlong (Tianhuang Stone)

(2) 清乾隆帝長壽秘密 (田黃石) The Longevity secret of Qing Emperor Qianlong (Tianhuang Stone)

(3) 清乾隆帝長壽秘密 (田黃石) The Longevity secret of Qing Emperor Qianlong (Tianhuang Stone)

(4) 清乾隆帝長壽秘密 (田黃石) The Longevity secret of Qing Emperor Qianlong (Tianhuang Stone)

(5) 清乾隆帝長壽秘密 (田黃石) The Longevity secret of Qing Emperor Qianlong (Tianhuang Stone)

(6) 清乾隆帝長壽秘密 (田黃石) The Longevity secret of Qing Emperor Qianlong (Tianhuang Stone)

(7) 清乾隆帝長壽秘密 (田黃石) The Longevity secret of Qing Emperor Qianlong (Tianhuang Stone)

(8) 清乾隆帝長壽秘密 (田黃石) The Longevity secret of Qing Emperor Qianlong (Tianhuang Stone)

(9) 清乾隆帝長壽秘密 (田黃石) The Longevity secret of Qing Emperor Qianlong (Tianhuang Stone)

(10) 清乾隆帝長壽秘密 (田黃石) The Longevity secret of Qing Emperor Qianlong (Tianhuang Stone)

(11) 清乾隆帝長壽秘密 (田黃石) The Longevity secret of Qing Emperor Qianlong (Tianhuang Stone)

(12) 清乾隆帝長壽秘密 (田黃石) The Longevity secret of Qing Emperor Qianlong (Tianhuang Stone)

(13) 清乾隆帝長壽秘密 (田黃石) The Longevity secret of Qing Emperor Qianlong (Tianhuang Stone)


