2018年11月11日 星期日

田黃石雕瑞佛彌勒佛鈕方印 1 件及瑞獸鈕方印 2 件 Three Tianhuang Stone Carved Decorated Square Seal Carvings

(1)  田黃石雕瑞獸鈕方印 202 公克 g

A Tianhuang Stone Carved ‘An Auspicious Beast’ Decorated Square Seal Carving

尺寸 Size: H 10.2 x W 3.0 x Depth 3.0 公分 厘米 cm
重量 Weight: 202 公克 grams
摩氏硬度 Mohs scale of mineral hardness: 3


This Tianhuang Stone has the features of natural Tianhuang Stones such as the texture of radish grain, red-blood-vessel pattern, crack pattern, transparency, dense, smooth, and delicate feeling by hand-touch, glossy and glassy luster. To have crack pattern, and the texture of radish grain is the essential two elements to form a natural Tianhuang Stone.

價格:NT$ 新台幣 二千萬元。
Price : US$ 0.7 million dollars.

介紹影片 Videos of Introduction:

(11) 田黃石雕瑞獸鈕方印 (202 g) A Tianhuang Stone Carved ‘An Auspicious Beast’ Decorated Square Seal Carving

(12) 田黃石雕瑞獸鈕方印 (202 g) A Tianhuang Stone Carved ‘An Auspicious Beast’ Decorated Square Seal Carving


(2)  田黃石雕瑞佛彌勒佛(大肚佛)鈕方印 451 公克 g

A Tianhuang Stone Carved ‘An Auspicious Buddhist God’ Decorated Square Seal Carving

尺寸 Size: H 9.1 x W 5.0 x Depth 5.1 公分 厘米 cm
重量 Weight: 451 公克 grams
摩氏硬度 Mohs scale of mineral hardness: 3


This Tianhuang Stone has the features of natural Tianhuang Stones such as the texture of radish grain, red-blood-vessel pattern, crack pattern, transparency, dense, smooth, and delicate feeling by hand-touch, glossy and glassy luster. To have crack pattern, and the texture of radish grain is the essential two elements to form a natural Tianhuang Stone.

價格:NT$ 新台幣 四千五百萬元。
Price : US$ 1.5 million dollars.

介紹影片 Videos of Introduction:

(13) 田黃石雕瑞佛彌勒佛鈕方印 (451 g) A Tianhuang Stone Carved ‘An Auspicious Buddhist God’ Decorated Square Seal Carving

(14) 田黃石雕瑞佛彌勒佛鈕方印 (451 g) A Tianhuang Stone Carved ‘An Auspicious Buddhist God’ Decorated Square Seal Carving


(3)  田黃石雕瑞獸鈕方印 105 公克 g

A Tianhuang Stone Carved ‘An Auspicious Beast’ Decorated Square Seal Carving

尺寸 Size: H 8.3 x W 2.5 x Depth 2.5 公分 厘米 cm
重量 Weight: 105 公克 grams
摩氏硬度 Mohs scale of mineral hardness: 3


This Tianhuang Stone has the features of natural Tianhuang Stones such as the texture of radish grain, red-blood-vessel pattern, crack pattern, transparency, dense, smooth, and delicate feeling by hand-touch, glossy and glassy luster. To have crack pattern, and the texture of radish grain is the essential two elements to form a natural Tianhuang Stone.

價格:NT$ 新台幣 七百五十萬元。
Price : US$ 250,000 dollars.

介紹影片 Videos of Introduction:

(15) 田黃石雕瑞獸鈕方印 (105 g) A Tianhuang Stone Carved ‘An Auspicious Beast’ Decorated Square Seal Carving

(16) 田黃石雕瑞獸鈕方印 (105 g) A Tianhuang Stone Carved ‘An Auspicious Beast’ Decorated Square Seal Carving



Three Tianhuang Stone Carved Decorated Square Seal Carvings

田黃石雕瑞獸鈕方印 202 公克 g (右方圖)
A Tianhuang Stone Carved ‘An Auspicious Beast’ Decorated Square Seal Carving (right photo)

田黃石雕瑞佛彌勒佛(大肚佛)鈕方印 451 公克 g (中間圖)
A Tianhuang Stone Carved ‘An Auspicious Buddhist God’ Decorated Square Seal Carving (middle photo)

田黃石雕瑞獸鈕方印 105 公克 g (左方圖)
A Tianhuang Stone Carved ‘An Auspicious Beast’ Decorated Square Seal Carving (left photo)

介紹影片 Videos of Introduction:

(1) 田黃石雕瑞佛彌勒佛鈕方印1件及瑞獸鈕方印2 Tianhuang Stone Carved Decorated Square Seal Carvings

(2) 田黃石雕瑞佛彌勒佛鈕方印1件及瑞獸鈕方印2 Tianhuang Stone Carved Decorated Square Seal Carvings

(3) 田黃石雕瑞佛彌勒佛鈕方印1件及瑞獸鈕方印2 Tianhuang Stone Carved Decorated Square Seal Carvings

(4) 田黃石雕瑞佛彌勒佛鈕方印1件及瑞獸鈕方印2 Tianhuang Stone Carved Decorated Square Seal Carvings

(5) 田黃石雕瑞佛彌勒佛鈕方印1件及瑞獸鈕方印2 Tianhuang Stone Carved Decorated Square Seal Carvings


