2024年1月13日 星期六

大明宣德年製官窯青花五彩五爪龍紋皇帝冠架 Ming Dynasty Xuande imperial kiln blue and white wucai emperor's five-clawed dragon pattern crown rack


Ming Dynasty Xuande imperial kiln blue and white wucai emperor's five-clawed dragon pattern crown rack


尺寸:高 35.5 厘米 cm 矮圈足直徑 11.5 厘米 cm 底直徑 14.2 厘米 cm 冠架的球形頭部最大直徑 16 厘米 cm 球形頭部上緣開口孔洞直徑 4 厘米 cm 圓柱形腹部直徑 10 厘米 cm 底座最大直徑 14 厘米 cm

Dimensions: Height 35.5 cm, Short ring foot diameter 11.5 cm, Base diameter 14.2 cm, Crown rack's spherical head maximum diameter 16 cm, Open hole mouth diameter on the upper edge of the spherical head 4 cm, Cylindrical belly diameter 10 cm, Base maximum diameter 14 cm.

具備宣德青花五彩應有之「蛤蜊寶光、底足火石紅、中東進口蘇麻離青青花料鐵銹結晶斑(錫光)及藍色暈散、非常細膩的細沙底、…… 等等」。

It has the features of the Xuande blue and white wucai should have: "clam treasure light, flint red at bottom foot, both the iron rust crystal spots (tin light) and the blue bloom rendering of Suma Li blue and white mineral dyestuff (which was imported from the Middle East), very fine sand bottom, etc.".

Works of Art



Ms. Chen Junying (1932- ). Her father Chen Wancheng was the 20th generation descendant from the ancestor Chen Xiufu [Official name: Guangludafu, an official who was close to the Emperor, and acted according to the edict of the Emperor, also the founding hero of the Ming Dynasty, from Wuhua, Guangdong.], who was nominated as the military Marshal by Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang in Hongwu 18th year (1385 A.D.) Ming Dynasty. She has inherited the family handed-down ancestral collection, including valuable ceramics, jade carved works of art, antiques, bronzes, and Chinese paintings moving from mainland China to Taiwan since Qing dynasty, from her father Chen Wancheng and has been trained to be a good professional collector and an excellent appraiser by family education since childhood for over 80 years.

Chen Xiufu

Official name: Guangludafu, an official who was close to the Emperor, and acted according to the edict of the Emperor, also the founding hero of the Ming Dynasty, from Wuhua county, Guangdong Province, China.

Chen Xiufu was nominated as the military Marshal by Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang in Hongwu 18th year (1385 A.D.) Ming Dynasty.







陳俊英女士 ( 1932 - )。她的父親陳萬承是明朝洪武十八年 (公元 1385 年) 被明朝皇帝朱元璋封為軍事大元帥的先祖陳秀甫 (明代開國功臣光祿大夫 [為皇帝近臣依皇帝詔命行事] 陳秀甫 [廣東五華籍]) 的第 20 代後裔。她從父親陳萬承處繼承了家族傳世的祖傳藏品,包括自清朝以來從中國大陸移至台灣的珍貴陶瓷器、玉器、古董、青銅器和中國書畫,她自童年開始透過家庭教育,即被培養成為一位很棒的專業收藏家和優秀的鑑賞家已達 80 多年。


陳秀甫是明代的開國功臣光祿大夫 [此官名為皇帝近臣依皇帝詔命行事],中國廣東省五華縣人。

明朝洪武十八年 (公元 1385 年) 陳秀甫被明朝皇帝朱元璋封為軍事大元帥。




