2018年2月18日 星期日

Guardian Protection 守護之神的保護 A Warning Alert Message in advance 一個事先預先警告的危險訊息

Guardian Protection

A Warning Alert Message in advance

During the Lunar New Year holidays in Taiwan, more than 4 million people poured into the temple to buy a traditional 5,000-year-old historical and cultural Protection-Candle-Light for US$ 20 according to their Chinese birth year zodiac signs by the twelve animals corresponding to the Twelve Terrestrial Branches. However the Traffic Accidents and personal Disasters still come as the destined to those people who paid for the temple's protection of prayers. 

From now on, we provide another kind of new Guardian Protection (A Warning Alert Message in advance) for these people.

The 2017 Las Vegas Shooting happened on the night of October 1, 2017, a gunman opened fire on a crowd of concertgoers at the Route 91 Harvest music festival on the Las Vegas Strip in Nevada, U.S.A., leaving 58 people dead and 851 injured. Between 10:05 and 10:15 p.m. PDT, 64-year-old Stephen Paddock of Mesquite, Nevada, fired more than 1,100 rounds from his suite on the 32nd floor of the nearby Mandalay Bay hotel. The incident is the deadliest mass shooting committed by an individual in the United States. At a press conference, President Donald Trump described Paddock as "a very very sick individual", and "a demented man, [with] a lot of problems", He added, "the police department has done such an incredible job, and we'll be talking about gun laws as time goes by". 

The US National Rifle Association (NRA) said 'nothing could have been done' to prevent the Las Vegas shooting.

From now on, we provide another kind of new Guardian Protection (A Warning Alert Message in advance) for these innocent 58 people dead and 851 injured victims.


從現在開始,我們為這些人提供另一類新守護之神的保護 (一個事先預先警告的危險訊息)。

2017年拉斯維加斯槍擊發生在2017年10月1日晚上,一名槍手在美國內華達州天堂市賭城大道的「91號公路豐收」(Route 91 Harvest)露天鄉村音樂節上向廣大聽眾開火射擊,造成58人死亡,851人受傷。於PDT時間的晚上10:05至10:15之間,內華達州梅斯基特市64歲的斯蒂芬帕多克,從他位於曼德勒灣酒店附近第32層的套房發射了1100多發子彈。這起槍擊事件是在美國由一名個人所犯下的最致命的大規模槍擊事件。在一次新聞發表會上,美國唐納德川普總統形容帕多克是“一個非常非常生病的人”,“一個精神錯亂的人,還有很多的問題”;他補充說,“警察部門已經做了如此令人難以置信的工作,我們將會隨著時間的進行討論槍支管制法律“。


從現在開始,我們為這些58名冤枉死者和851名冤枉受傷的受害者提供了另一類新守護之神的保護 (一個事先預先警告的危險訊息)。

Orion Technology on FUTURE science
Orion 未來科技

Orion Guardian Protector
Orion 守護之神


