2017年12月17日 星期日

Time and Direction of Traffic-Accident Star 時間與車禍星方位

Future Prediction Message3

The Message displayed by Orion Fate Computer Robot
Time and Direction of Traffic-Accident Star
Event correlative PartySubject and Object


Orion 命運電腦機器人所顯示的訊息

***** The most Dangerous Traffic Accident Bi-Hour Time on this Day (Destined just AT WORST Only ONE Bi-Hour AMONG BELOW and NOT ALL) *****
***** 在這一天中最危險的發生車禍交通事故之兩小時段 (命中注定者最壞只為下列各個兩小時段中之一個時段並非全部時段) *****

#07 Bi-Hour AM 11:00–PM 01:00 (Noon 中午)

車禍星方位: 西北向北方 Direction of Traffic-Accident Star: NorthWest to North
碰撞星方位: 東南向南方 Direction of Collision Star: SouthEast to South

The Destined Scheduled Time 先天命中註定時間 (+/- Plus/Minus 10 Minutes 加減 10 分鐘) : 
Noon 中午 AM 11:11:00

The Destined Scheduled Time 先天命中註定時間 (+/- Plus/Minus 10 Minutes 加減 10 分鐘) : 
Noon 中午 PM 12:16:00

Event correlative PartySubject and Object :
事件發生之相關參與人士, 主題及對象目標 : 

Parents and Grand-Parents or close Relatives of the Last/Grand- generation such as Uncles and Aunts/Family Elders/Documents

Self-Health and Self-Illness or Self-Physical Body

Friends and School-or-Job-Mates or Subordinates

Children or close Relatives of the Next generation such as Nephews/Family Youngers

Actual Realized Event Fact:

(1)   At AM 11:11 exactly Car A driven by another driver from the SouthEast to South direction collided with Car B driven by Self from the NorthWest to North direction.
(2)   This Traffic Accident was recorded in the Governmental Police Department.

(1)    精確地於上午AM 11:11另一位駕駛人東南向南方向駛來的A正好撞上由自己西北向北方向駛來的B
(2) 此車禍事件記錄於政府警察部門。


