2017年6月12日 星期一

Never to submit yourself to the fate 永不屈服於命運 International Job Opportunity 國際工作機會

Never to submit yourself to the fate

Study the fates of 32 famous people in the world

Understand your own inborn fate in the past

Manage your own inborn fate in advance

Win your own acquired fate in the future

Orion Technology on FUTURE science


International Job Opportunity 國際工作機會

International Sale Agent Wanted by http://myfatedata.com
誠徵國際業務銷售代理商 http://myfatedata.com

30% of Sale Commission via Selling the Enter-In-Password on http://myfatedata.com
銷售 http://myfatedata.com 上的進入查詢使用密碼的銷售佣金為 30%

The Global Billions of Users need YOU to market and develop!

It's a Historical TIME for YOU to become really very RICH and to LIVE well!

All YOU have to do is just to explain to people for our "Free 3 times/days trials Enter-In-Password application"!

Once this customer starts to purchase the Enter-In-Password after the above Free 3 times/days trials all the life,
YOU will continue to RECEIVE 30% of Sale Commission on a long-term basis! 

Because it's a Universal Fortune coming to YOU!

No Competitors and No second Opportunity in this world!

Even the Spooky Action at a Universal distance of Einstein is full 4,000 years behind us!      

Orion Technology

World Leading Computerized Future Prediction System
Prediction on ANY DAY after the birthday


After your job application via Contact us http://myfatedata.com/contactus/index.html , you will soon receive an email letter as below from us. You can start your business at home by your computer or mobile phone right away!

Dear Sales Job Applicant,

Thank you very much for your applying for our International Sales Agent Wanted by http://myfatedata.com , and xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx is the "Free 3 times/days trials Enter-In-Password" for you to test on our Fate Data Calculation website at http://myfatedata.com/myfatedata/index.html .

After your own free test (of course! if this free test does help increasing your sales, then you can continue to apply for it from us!), you can start to introduce this "Free 3 times/days trials Enter-In-Password Application" used on the fate robot (Fate Data Calculation) prediction service to Others applying for their other different sets of "Free 3 times/days trials Enter-In-Password".

If they start to purchase the Enter-In-Password of the fate robot online at website http://myfatedata.com , then you will have the 30% of sales commission on a long-term basis! This is based upon a rather fair sales basis of reporting your potential customers “in advance” to us via Contact us http://myfatedata.com/contactus/index.html to calculate your sales outcome!

You will have to register a PayPal or a Bank account or any international money-receiving account and advise us via Contact us http://myfatedata.com/contactus/index.html to be prepared to receive your 30% of sales commissions on a long-term basis!

Once you have reached the basic target of realizing just three successful sales targets/accounts in one consecutive 30-days period, and you do have any ambitious management knowledge and potential leadership, you can further recruit other International Sales Agents Wanted by http://myfatedata.com for us.

Your Extra Bonus since that day on it your target is reached will be the 10% of the actual incomes on a long-term basis received from us by these Sales Agents recruited by you and to be advised to us via Contact us http://myfatedata.com/contactus/index.html prior to their joining in our worldwide sales team!

For example:

You have recruited 3 sales agents and realized 3 successful sales targets/accounts in one consecutive 30-days period for us.

One sales agent among these three is in U.S.A. and has realized US$ 4,000 of sales outcome in this month! This sales agent earns 30% of US$ 4,000 = US$ 1,200 in this month! This sales agent was recruited by you and you have already realized 3 successful sales targets/accounts in one consecutive 30-days period for us before. Then you will have 10% of US$ 1,200 = US$ 120 (10% of the actual income on a long-term basis received from us by this sales agent) from us.

Another sales agent among these three is in U.K. and has realized US$ 5,000 of sales outcome in this month! This sales agent earns 30% of US$ 5,000 = US$ 1,500 in this month! This sales agent was recruited by you and you have already realized 3 successful sales targets/accounts in one consecutive 30-days period for us before. Then you will have 10% of US$ 1,500 = US$ 150 (10% of the actual income on a long-term basis received from us by this sales agent) from us.

Other sales agent among these three is in Japan and has realized US$ 6,000 of sales outcome in this month! This sales agent earns 30% of US$ 6,000 = US$ 1,800 in this month! This sales agent was recruited by you and you have already realized 3 successful sales targets/accounts in one consecutive 30-days period for us before. Then you will have 10% of US$ 1,800 = US$ 180 (10% of the actual income on a long-term basis received from us by this sales agent) from us.

In total, you will have an extra bonus US$ 120 + US$ 150 + US$ 180 = US$ 450 from us in this month via the total realized US$ 15,000 of sales outcome by these three sales agents recruited by you!

There exist full billions of computer and mobile phone users who need YOU to market and develop in this world! It is really a Historical TIME for YOU to become really very RICH and to LIVE very well! It's a Universal Fortune coming to YOU right now! We have developed a successful World Leading Computerized Future Prediction System. We have No Competitors and certainly YOU have No second Opportunity in this world!

Even the Spooky Action at a Universal distance of Einstein is full 4,000 years behind us!      

I hope you can enjoy this International Job Opportunity very well!

Orion Technology on FUTURE science

World Leading Computerized Future Prediction System
Prediction on ANY DAY after the birthday

Even the Spooky Action at a Universal distance of Einstein is full 4,000 years behind us!

Explanation and PayPal/Credit Cards to Buy Enter-In-Password Website:

Data Input and Fate Computation Website (Enter-In-Password is required):

Contact Us:

Based upon a close correlation among the Universe together with Human DNA Birth Time and Human Life

100% Computerized On-Line Fate-Data Service
Your Fate Data is 100% anonymously secured!

Fate Data Calculation is a Universal Science!
We calculate the inborn and acquired Fate Data!

Even a Kid can become a Fortune-Teller Master!
Are THEY and YOU just the STARS in the vast UNIVERSE?

Enter-In-Password Price

(Rates are subject to changes without further notice!)

US$    10   for     10   times/days Enter-In each time on one day data
US$    27   for     30   times/days Enter-In each time on one day data
US$    80   for    100   times/days Enter-In each time on one day data
US$   210   for    300   times/days Enter-In each time on one day data
US$   600   for   1,000   times/days Enter-In each time on one day data
US$   1,800   for   3,600   times/days Enter-In each time on one day data
US$   4,000   for   10,000   times/days Enter-In each time on one day data
US$   7,500   for   30,000   times/days Enter-In each time on one day data

PayPal/Credit Cards to Buy Enter-In-Password Link:

Attention: (80% available accuracy)

Human Fates are defined by 5 elements of Birth Time including Year, Month, Day, Hour, and Minute! Since Birth Minute element is always not available nowadays, therefore the fate data computed and illustrated by our Fate Robot have only 80% available accuracy!

Sincerely Yours,

Orion Hsu


Orion Technology on FUTURE science

Enter-In-Password Price

(Rates are subject to changes without further notice!)

US$ 10 – for 10 times/days Enter-In each time on one day data
US$ 27 – for 30 times/days Enter-In each time on one day data
US$ 80 – for 100 times/days Enter-In each time on one day data
US$ 210 – for 300 times/days Enter-In each time on one day data
US$ 600 – for 1,000 times/days Enter-In each time on one day data
US$ 1,800 – for 3,600 times/days Enter-In each time on one day data
US$ 4,000 – for 10,000 times/days Enter-In each time on one day data
US$ 7,500 – for 30,000 times/days Enter-In each time on one day data


查詢單日資料進入使用    10 / - 美金US$    10
查詢單日資料進入使用    30 / - 美金US$    27
查詢單日資料進入使用   100 / - 美金US$    80
查詢單日資料進入使用   300 / - 美金US$   210
查詢單日資料進入使用  1,000 / - 美金US$   600
查詢單日資料進入使用  3,600 / - 美金US$  1,800
查詢單日資料進入使用 10,000 / - 美金US$  4,000
查詢單日資料進入使用 30,000 / - 美金US$  7,500

PayPal/Credit Cards to Buy Enter-In-Password Link:

Never to submit yourself to the fate

Study the fates of 32 famous people in the world

Understand your own inborn fate in the past

Manage your own inborn fate in advance

Win your own acquired fate in the future

Orion Technology on FUTURE science


Never to submit yourself to the fate 永不屈服於命運

Study the fates of 32 famous people in the world 研究世界32名人的命運

Understand your own inborn fate in the past 瞭解自己過去的先天命運

Manage your own inborn fate in advance 預先管理自己的先天命運

Win your own acquired fate in the future 贏得未來的後天命運 

The fates of 32 famous people in the world

Historical Record #1 Adolf Hitler 阿道夫·希特勒
Date of Birth 出生日期: 1889/04/20

Date of 5-Year-in-Jail Sentence 被判刑入獄五年日期: 1924/04/01
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 0

Date of Prison 入獄日期: 1924/05/04
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 0

Date as Chancellor of Germany 成為德國總理日期: 1933/01/30
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 102.2

Date of Escape from Assassination 逃脫刺殺日期: 1939/11/08
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 91

Date of Escape from Assassination 逃脫刺殺日期: 1944/07/20
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 243.6

Date of Death 死亡日期: 1945/04/30
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 0

Historical Record #2 John F. Kennedy 約翰·甘迺迪
Date of Birth 出生日期: 1917/05/29

Date of Marriage 結婚日期: 1953/09/12
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 117.6

Date as President of the United States成為美國總統日期: 1961/01/20
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 39.2

Date of Death and Assassination 被暗殺死亡日期: 1963/11/22
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 0

Historical Record #3 Princess Diana 黛安娜王妃
Date of Birth 出生日期: 1961/07/01

Date of Marriage 結婚日期: 1981/07/29
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 98

Date of Divorce 離婚日期: 1996/08/28
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 0

Date of Death in a car crash 車禍死亡日期: 1997/08/31
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 0

Historical Record #4 Steve Jobs 史蒂夫賈伯斯
Date of Birth 出生日期: 1955/02/24

Date of Marriage 結婚日期: 1991/03/18
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 177.8

Date of Resignation as Apple's CEO 辭去蘋果公司執行長職務日期: 2011/08/24
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 0

Date of Death 死亡日期: 2011/10/05
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 0

Historical Record #5 Marilyn Monroe 瑪麗蓮夢露
Date of Birth 出生日期: 1926/06/01

Date of Marriage 結婚日期: 1942/06/19
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 390.6

Date of Marriage 結婚日期: 1954/01/14
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 382.2

Date of Marriage 結婚日期: 1956/06/29
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 25.2

Date of being fired and sued for US$750,000 in damages by Fox 被二十世紀福斯解僱並被訴要求違約賠償美金75萬元日期: 1962/06/07
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 0

Date of Death 死亡日期: 1962/08/05
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 0

Historical Record #6 Ronald Reagan 隆納雷根
Date of Birth 出生日期: 1911/02/06

Date of Marriage 結婚日期: 1940/01/26
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 169.4

Date of Marriage 結婚日期: 1952/03/04
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 98

Date as the Governor of California 就任加州州長職務日期: 1967/01/02
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 98

Date as the President of the United States 就任美國總統職務日期: 1981/01/20
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 224

Date of Assassination 遇刺殺日期: 1981/03/30
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 0

Date of Death 死亡日期: 2004/06/05
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 0

Historical Record #7 Mao Zedong 毛澤東
Date of Birth 出生日期: 1893/12/26

Date of Death of second Wife 第二任妻子死亡日期: 1930/11/14
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 0

Date as the Chairman of the Central Politburo of the Communist Party of China 就任中國共產黨中央政治局主席職務日期: 1943/03/20
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 98

Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 98

Date as the Chairman of the CPC Central Military Commission 就任中國共產黨中央軍事委員會主席職務日期: 1945/08/23
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 186.2

Date as the Chairman of the CPC Central Military Commission 就任中國共產黨中央軍事委員會主席職務日期: 1954/09/08
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 98

Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 511

Date of Death 死亡日期: 1976/09/09
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 0

Historical Record #8 Jean Simmons 珍西蒙絲
Date of Birth 出生日期: 1929/01/31

Date of first Marriage 第一次結婚日期: 1950/12/20
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 187.6

Date of second Marriage 第二次結婚日期: 1960/11/01
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 236.6

Date of Death 死亡日期: 2010/01/22
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 0

Historical Record #9 Audrey Hepburn 奧黛麗赫本
Date of Birth 出生日期: 1929/05/04

Date of Winning the 26th Academy Award for Best Actress贏得第26屆奧斯卡最佳女主角獎之獲獎日期: 1954/03/25
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 196

Date of first Marriage 第一次結婚日期: 1954/09/25
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 0
(Remarks 備註: The Day Fortune Scores on this day should be greater than 10. This is an Error-Score due to 20% of available system inaccuracy. 當天財運分數應該大於10. 此為20%的系統有效不精確度所產生之錯誤分數.)

Date of first Divorce 第一次離婚日期: 1968/12/05
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 0

Date of second Marriage 第二次結婚日期: 1969/01/18
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 179.2

Date of second Divorce 第二次離婚日期: 1982/09/21
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 0

Date of Death 死亡日期: 1993/01/20
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 0

Historical Record #10 Benazir Bhutto 班娜姬布托
Date of Birth 出生日期: 1953/6/21

Date of Marriage 結婚日期: 1987/12/18
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 138.6

Date as the Prime Minister of Pakistan 就任巴基斯坦摠理職務日期: 1988/12/02
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 358.4

Date as the Prime Minister of Pakistan 就任巴基斯坦摠理職務日期: 1993/10/19
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 33.6

Date to be invited by the United States to speak to President George W. Bush and Congressional and State Department officials被美國邀請致詞演講於美國總統喬治布希與國會及國務院官員日期: 2007/01/27
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 151.2

Date to be placed under house arrest 軟禁於家中日期: 2007/11/08
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 0

Date of Death and Assassination 被暗殺死亡日期: 2007/12/27
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 0

(To be continued)

