2017年2月1日 星期三

Portable Solar Light Electrified Collector 手提式太陽能光電收集器

Portable Solar Light Electrified Collector 手提式太陽能光電收集器
US$ 29.00美金US$ 29.00
(Including international delivery charge and delivered in 2-3 weeks)

Package Contents 包裝內容物

(1)        AC 100V-240V Input Line交流電輸入線
(2)        Solar Collecting Panel Board and Batteries (ten hours of Solar recharging can supply four hours of Led Lamp light that is not enough for reading purpose in about two square meters, and an ordinary size room needs about 4 - 6 pieces to be used.) 太陽能收集板及電池 (十小時之太陽能充電能供應四小時之二平方公尺內不能夠閱讀的Led燈光, 一個平常大小的房間約需使用 4 - 6 .)
(3)        USB Output (only at full recharging capacity) for mobile phone 於完全飽和充電時作為手機之行動電源USB 充電輸出端
(4)        Led Lamp (stretching and pulling the upper part upward from the center to turn on the Led Lamp, or vice versa.) / Led (伸長並將上端向上拉開可開啟Led 燈光, 反之亦然.)
(5)        Led Flashlight and ON/OFF round Button / Led 手電筒及圓形開/關按鈕
(6)        Recharging indicating Led (Red On/Under Recharging) 充電指示Led (紅燈亮/充電中)

Size 大小尺寸:

Height : 12 cm 公分
Stretching Height 伸長高度: 17 cm 公分
Diameter at Solar Collecting Panel cylinder part / 太陽能收集板端之圓柱直徑: 7 cm 公分
Diameter at Led Flashlight cylinder part / Led手電筒端之圓柱直徑: 7.9 cm 公分

We accept international delivery! 我們接受國際送貨!

Special Discounts: 5% off for 2 pieces of same items in one payment; 10% off for 3 pieces of same items in one payment; 15% off for 4 pieces of same items in one payment; 20% off for 5 pieces of same items in one payment; 25% off for half a dozen 6 pieces of same items in one payment; 50% off for one dozen 12 pieces of same items in one payment.


To order one single item please click PayPal BUY NOW Button below:

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