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張大千1982年作春雲曉靄潑彩山水圖 vs. 臺北故宮博物院藏張大千1969年作闊浦遙山圖 (高H 192 x寬W 103 公分cm 水墨設色紙本 ink and color on paper 1969己酉年作)
Spring Cloud and Morning Mist by Zhang Daqian dated 1982 vs. Land and River Seen Afar by Zhang Daqian dated 1969 collected in the Taipei National Palace Museum
題識簽名︰ 春雲曉靄、八十四叟大千張爰。
七式鈐印︰ 西川張爰、大千、金石同壽、大風堂、摩耶精舍、直造古人不到處、得心應手。
媒體形制︰ 直幅水墨設色紙本鏡片
Spring Cloud and Morning Mist by Zhang Daqian dated 1982
Vertical splashed ink and color on paper, mounted, signed 84 YEARS OLD MAN DAQIAN ZHANG YUAN, inscribed and titled SPRING CLOUD AND MORNING MIST, with seven seals of the artist.
張大千1982年作春雲曉靄潑彩山水圖 vs. 張大千1979年作贈予中華民國第五任總統嚴家淦先生之春雲曉靄山水圖 (高 H 69 x 寬 W 176 公分 cm 水墨設色紙本 ink and color on paper 1979 己未年作)
Spring Cloud and Morning Mist by Zhang Daqian dated 1982 vs. Spring Cloud and Morning Mist Dedicated to Mr. Yan Jiagan who was the 5th President of Republic Of China by Zhang Daqian dated 1979
題識簽名︰ 春雲曉靄、八十四叟大千張爰。
七式鈐印︰ 西川張爰、大千、金石同壽、大風堂、摩耶精舍、直造古人不到處、得心應手。
媒體形制︰ 直幅水墨設色紙本鏡片
Spring Cloud and Morning Mist by Zhang Daqian dated 1982
Vertical splashed ink and color on paper, mounted, signed 84 YEARS OLD MAN DAQIAN ZHANG YUAN, inscribed and titled SPRING CLOUD AND MORNING MIST, with seven seals of the artist.
本圖抬頭"春雲曉靄"四字,與台灣台北歷史博物館1980年12月初版 "張大千書畫集第二集" 第8-9頁圖版2 "春雲曉靄" (高69 x 寬176 公分 張大千1979年11月作贈予剛卸任中華民國第五任總統職務而擔任台北故宮博物院管理委員會主任委員之嚴家淦先生) 之抬頭"春雲曉靄"四字完全相同。
The four-character handwriting title "Spring Cloud and Morning Mist" of this painting is the same as that four-character handwriting title "Spring Cloud and Morning Mist" in the "Spring Cloud and Morning Mist" painting dedicated to Mr. Yan Jiagan who had been just retired from his 5th Presidency of Republic Of China and succeeded the Chairman of Governing Association of National Palace Museum Taipei Taiwan by Zhang Daqian dated Nov. 1979, H69 x W176 cm, Literature: "Paintings of Zhang Daqian Volume 2", Page 8-9, Picture 2, published by Museum of History Taipei Taiwan in Dec. 1980.
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