Evidence of Outer Space Civilization (1)
外星文明的證據 (1)
(左圖) 數千(數萬)年前的地球石器時代,外星文明在地球上所使用之「萬年不毀壞」玉石雕刻星空導航儀器。
(Left Photo) At the Stone Age
of Earth (ten)thousands of years ago, the Jade carved
Star and Sky Navigation instrument which is not to be broken for thousands of
years by the Outer Space Civilization on Earth.
(Right Photo) Simulated view of a black hole in front of the Large Magellanic Cloud. Note the gravitational lensing effect, which produces two enlarged but
highly distorted views of the Cloud.
Source of
Photo: Black hole in Wikipedia 2018
Evidence of Outer Space Civilization (2)
外星文明的證據 (2)
(右圖) 負質量蟲洞的模擬圖。
(Left Photo) At the Stone Age
of Earth (ten)thousands of years ago, the Jade carved
Star and Sky Navigation instrument which is not to be broken for thousands of
years by the Outer Space Civilization on Earth.