2018年12月13日 星期四

田黃石雕蒼龍教子鈕方印 210 公克 g A Tianhuang Stone Carved "Mother Dragon teaching her Son Dragon" Decorated Square Seal Carving

田黃石雕蒼龍教子鈕方印 210 公克 g
A Tianhuang Stone Carved "Mother Dragon teaching her Son Dragon" Decorated Square Seal Carving

尺寸 Size: H 9.3 x W 3.4 x Depth 3.3 公分 厘米 cm 
重量 Weight: 210 公克 grams 
摩氏硬度 Mohs scale of mineral hardness: 3 

本件田黃石有裂格紋,有蘿蔔絲紋,有格有絲成為田黃二大要素,燈光照射通透,滑膩細緻滴水不沾,具備有蘿卜紋、紅血絲筋紋、裂格紋、通透、滑腻感、油脂與玻璃光泽等天然田黃石的特徵。 本件雕刻工藝具備有清朝宮廷蒼龍教子的雕刻技術。

This Tianhuang Stone has the features of natural Tianhuang Stones such as the texture of radish grain, red-blood-vessel pattern, crack pattern, transparency, dense, smooth, and delicate feeling by hand-touch, glossy and glassy luster. To have crack pattern, and the texture of radish grain is the essential two elements to form a natural Tianhuang Stone. This carving has the royal Palace dragon carving technique of Qing dynasty.

價格:NT$ 新台幣 一千八百萬元。
Price : US$ 600,000 dollars. 

介紹影片 Videos of Introduction:

(1) 田黃石雕蒼龍教子鈕方印 210 公克 g
A Tianhuang Stone Carved "Mother Dragon teaching her Son Dragon" Decorated Square Seal Carving

(2) 田黃石雕蒼龍教子鈕方印 210 公克 g
A Tianhuang Stone Carved "Mother Dragon teaching her Son Dragon" Decorated Square Seal Carving


罕見稀世略帶烏鴉皮白田黃石雕山水薄意方印 672 公克 g
A rare White Tianhuang Stone Carved "Landscape" Decorated Square Seal Carving with a few crow-black Tianhuang Stone-skins

尺寸 Size: H 9.8 x W 4.9 x Depth 5.0 公分 厘米 cm 
重量 Weight: 672 公克 grams 
摩氏硬度 Mohs scale of mineral hardness: 3 

本件田黃石有裂格紋,有蘿蔔絲紋,有格有絲成為田黃二大要素,燈光照射通透,滑膩細緻滴水不沾,具備有蘿卜紋、紅血絲筋紋、裂格紋、通透、滑腻感、油脂與玻璃光泽等天然田黃石的特徵。 本件為世上罕見稀少略帶烏鴉皮之白田黃石雕山水薄意方印。

This Tianhuang Stone has the features of natural Tianhuang Stones such as the texture of radish grain, red-blood-vessel pattern, crack pattern, transparency, dense, smooth, and delicate feeling by hand-touch, glossy and glassy luster. To have crack pattern, and the texture of radish grain is the essential two elements to form a natural Tianhuang Stone. This is a rare White Tianhuang Stone Carved Decorated Square Seal Carving with a few crow-black Tianhuang Stone-skins in the world.

價格:NT$ 新台幣 九千萬元。
Price : US$ 3 million dollars. 

介紹影片 Videos of Introduction:

罕見稀世略帶烏鴉皮白田黃石雕山水薄意方印 672 公克 g
A rare White Tianhuang Stone Carved "Landscape" Decorated Square Seal Carving with a few crow-black Tianhuang Stone-skins

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