1182 公克 g
A Tianhuang Stone Carved ‘An
Auspicious Tiger Beast King’ Decorated Square Seal Carving Qing Dynasty
尺寸 Size: 高 H 14.8 x 寬 W 6.6 x 深 Depth 6.6 公分 厘米 cm
重量 Weight: 1,182 公克 grams
摩氏硬度 Mohs scale of
mineral hardness: 3
This Tianhuang Stone has the features of
natural Tianhuang Stones such as the texture of radish grain, red-blood-vessel
pattern, crack pattern, transparency, dense, smooth, and delicate feeling by
hand-touch, glossy and glassy luster. To have crack pattern, and the texture of
radish grain is the essential two elements to form a natural Tianhuang Stone.
新台幣 9 億元。
Price : US$ 30,000,000 dollars.
It's rather cheap in the world sculpture art
market, if compared with the realized auction price
US $71,187,500 of the
by the CHRISTIE’S NEW YORK, MAY 15, 2018
2018 年 5 月 15 日在紐約佳士得國際拍賣公司拍賣世界知名雕刻大師康斯坦丁 布朗庫西 CONSTANTIN BRÂNCUȘI 1932 年之作品南西康奈德的肖像雕塑品 LA JEUNE FILLE SOPHISTIQUÉE (PORTRAIT DE
NANCY CUNARD) 拍賣成交價為美金7千1百1十8萬7千5百美元 ( US $71,187,500 新台幣約 21 億元 )。
Videos of Introduction:
(1) 清朝田黃石雕瑞虎獸王鈕方印 1182 公克 g A Tianhuang Stone Carved ‘An Auspicious
Tiger Beast King’ Decorated Square Seal Carving Qing Dynasty
(2) 清朝田黃石雕瑞虎獸王鈕方印 1182 公克 g A Tianhuang Stone Carved ‘An Auspicious
Tiger Beast King’ Decorated Square Seal Carving Qing Dynasty
(3) 清朝田黃石雕瑞虎獸王鈕方印 1182 公克 g A Tianhuang Stone Carved ‘An Auspicious
Tiger Beast King’ Decorated Square Seal Carving Qing Dynasty
田黃石雕瑞獸鈕方印 231 公克 g
Tianhuang Stone Carved ‘An Auspicious Beast’ Decorated Square Seal Carving
尺寸 Size: 高 H 6.8 x 寬 W 4 x 深 Depth 4 公分 厘米 cm
重量 Weight: 231 公克 grams
摩氏硬度 Mohs scale of mineral hardness: 3
重量 Weight: 231 公克 grams
摩氏硬度 Mohs scale of mineral hardness: 3
This Tianhuang Stone has the
features of natural Tianhuang Stones such as the texture of radish grain,
red-blood-vessel pattern, crack pattern, transparency, dense, smooth, and
delicate feeling by hand-touch, glossy and glassy luster. To have crack
pattern, and the texture of radish grain is the essential two elements to form
a natural Tianhuang Stone.
價格:NT$ 新台幣 二千二百五十萬元。
Price : US$ 750,000 dollars.
介紹影片 Videos of Introduction:
(Ⅰ) 田黃石雕瑞獸鈕方印 231 公克 g A Tianhuang Stone Carved ‘An
Auspicious Beast’ Decorated Square Seal Carving
(Ⅱ) 田黃石雕瑞獸鈕方印 231 公克 g A Tianhuang Stone Carved ‘An
Auspicious Beast’ Decorated Square Seal Carving
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