2018年5月24日 星期四

Unfavorable Governmental Paper on Penalty of Fine 不利的官署罰鍰罰單 Change your own troublesome fate by proper precaution in advance 事先以適當的預防措施改變你自己的麻煩命運

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Change your own troublesome fate by proper precaution in advance

Mr. A’s Search Prediction Data on this Day displayed:

***** The Troublesome Bi-Hour Time on this Day *****
#06 Bi-Hour AM 09:00–AM 11:00 (Morning 早上)

Event correlative Party, Subject and Object: 

Matters at Home or Real Estates or Land/House Property
Children or close Relatives of the Next generation such as Nephews/Family Youngers/Sex Affairs
Self or Self-Health and Self-Illness or Self-Physical Body
Brothers and Sisters or close Relatives of the same generation such as Cousins

Unfavorable Documentation
Unfavorable Governmental Paper on Penalty of Fine

North West to West - Direction
North East to East - Direction
North – Direction
North – Direction

The Destined Scheduled Time 先天命中註定時間 (+/- Plus/Minus 10 Minutes 加減 10 分鐘) : 

Morning 早上 AM 09:54:00
Morning 早上 AM 10:38:00
Morning 早上 AM 10:16:00
Morning 早上 AM 10:16:00

Unfavorable situation against the Government/Organization/School

On the morning of May 21, 2018, AM 10:42:00 toward North West to West direction, Mr. A (Self) was fined the penalty for violation of parking regulation by a traffic policeman. After 12 days later on June 2, 2018, Mr. A’s Search Prediction Data on this Day were displayed with the same "Unfavorable Governmental Paper on Penalty of Fine" and "Unfavorable situation against the Government/Organization/School" messages. Therefore Mr. A had already known in advance that there would be another "penalty for violation of parking regulation" on this day. Mr. A was thus very cautious on this day. Then eventually Mr. A rushed out to another traffic policeman on this day exactly three seconds before the shutter of the evidence camera was about to be pressed by the traffic policeman. He successfully prevented another traffic policeman from issuing another "penalty ticket for violation of parking regulation" on this day. It has changed another “penalty for violation of parking regulation” troublesome event that Mr. A’s own fate was destined for on this day.

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***** 在這一天中麻煩之兩小時段 *****
#06 Bi-Hour AM 09:00–AM 11:00 (Morning 早上)

事件發生之相關參與人士, 主題及對象目標 : 



方位 - 西北向西方
方位 - 東北向東方
方位 - 北方
方位 - 北方

The Destined Scheduled Time 先天命中註定時間 (+/- Plus/Minus 10 Minutes 加減 10 分鐘) : 

Morning 早上 AM 09:54:00
Morning 早上 AM 10:38:00
Morning 早上 AM 10:16:00
Morning 早上 AM 10:16:00


A先生 (自己) 2018521日早上 AM 10:42:00 於前往西北向西方的方位,一位交通警察開給A先生 (自己) 一張「違規停車的違規罰單」。於201862日的12 天後,A先生查詢得知在這一天的查詢預測資料顯示出同樣的「不利的官署罰鍰罰單」與「冒犯官署/機構/學校」訊息。因而A先生已經預先知道在這一天將有另一張「違規停車的違規罰單」,故A先生在這一天格外地小心謹慎。果然A先生在這一天由另外一位交通警察正要按下搜證照像機快門前三秒鐘,衝過去成功阻止了另外一位交通警察在這一天開出另一張「違規停車的違規罰單」,因而改變了A先生在自己命運中的這一天所注定的另一張「違規停車的違規罰單」之麻煩事件。

