2017年12月28日 星期四

The Universal Fact - Only Human Beings have Traffic Accidents 宇宙真理 - 僅人類才有行車安全事故車禍

The Universal Fact

Only Human Beings have Traffic Accidents

Traffic Accidents could be predicted in advance and be avoided by extremely advanced high-technology




依據中華民國政府的官方統計數目字,從 2007 年至 2016 年間之 10 年內,因車禍危險而死亡或受傷的人數高達 3,235,167 ,占總人口比例之 14 。而政府官方的機動車輛登記數目字是21,708,660,其中汽車7,939,739,機車13,768,921。經由海陸空運交通出國總人數一年達到1,4588,923人次。這些機動車輛駕駛人以及經由海陸空運交通而出國的人士都是需要使用預測未來事件之尖端高科技以避免交通安全事故車禍事件之發生。

According to the official statistics of the Government of the Republic of China, the number of deaths or injuries due to the danger of traffic accidents had been 3,235,167 people those were 14% of the total population. The official numbers by the Governmental registration are 21,708,660 motor vehicles including 7,939,739 automobiles and 13,768,921 motorcycles. There are up to 14,588,923 people/times going abroad by sea, by land, or by airplane each year. These drivers of motor vehicles and travelers going abroad by ship, by automobile, or by airplane all require the extremely advanced high-technology to predict the future events in order to avoid the events of traffic accidents.

