2017年12月31日 星期日

Only few days in the lifetime of people have this same Traffic Accident Warning Message


It’s time not to drive or even be a traffic passenger outdoors


The same Warning Message displayed by Orion Fate Robot on the Life Dangerous Days of Princess Diana (U.K.), Paul Walker (U.S.) and Roger Rodas (U.S.):

Orion 命運機器人黛安娜王妃(Princess Diana 英國)、保羅沃克(Paul Walker 美國)、羅傑羅達斯(Roger Rodas 美國)生命危險日所顯示的相同警示訊息:

***** Attention carefully: *****
The Traffic Accident Star is extremely ACTIVE and DANGEROUS on this day!!!

***** 注意小心: *****

All people in the world apply to Orion Fate Robot




根據美國人口調查與統計局 U.S. Census Bureau 估計,在2018年元旦這天,世界的人口總數將達到7444443881

中國 1384688986
印度 1296834042
美國 329256465
印尼 262787403

World Population is over 7.4 billion!

Top 4 most population countries in the world on 2017/12/31

Based upon the estimation by the U.S. Census Bureau on the first happy new-year day of 2018 the world total population is up to 7,444,443,881 people.

China 1,384,688,986 population
India 1,296,834,042 population
U.S.A. 329,256,465 population
Indonesia 262,787,403 population

2017年12月28日 星期四

The Universal Fact - Only Human Beings have Traffic Accidents 宇宙真理 - 僅人類才有行車安全事故車禍

The Universal Fact

Only Human Beings have Traffic Accidents

Traffic Accidents could be predicted in advance and be avoided by extremely advanced high-technology




依據中華民國政府的官方統計數目字,從 2007 年至 2016 年間之 10 年內,因車禍危險而死亡或受傷的人數高達 3,235,167 ,占總人口比例之 14 。而政府官方的機動車輛登記數目字是21,708,660,其中汽車7,939,739,機車13,768,921。經由海陸空運交通出國總人數一年達到1,4588,923人次。這些機動車輛駕駛人以及經由海陸空運交通而出國的人士都是需要使用預測未來事件之尖端高科技以避免交通安全事故車禍事件之發生。

According to the official statistics of the Government of the Republic of China, the number of deaths or injuries due to the danger of traffic accidents had been 3,235,167 people those were 14% of the total population. The official numbers by the Governmental registration are 21,708,660 motor vehicles including 7,939,739 automobiles and 13,768,921 motorcycles. There are up to 14,588,923 people/times going abroad by sea, by land, or by airplane each year. These drivers of motor vehicles and travelers going abroad by ship, by automobile, or by airplane all require the extremely advanced high-technology to predict the future events in order to avoid the events of traffic accidents.

2017年12月18日 星期一

Even a professional Race Driver shall die if the Direction of Traffic-Accident Star is to be followed at the destined Time 縱使是職業賽車高手在天命時間中遵循車禍星方位也會死亡

Future Prediction Message4

The Century Car Crash that killed Princess Diana

The Message displayed by Orion Fate Computer Robot
Time and Direction of Traffic-Accident Star
Event correlative PartySubject and Object


Orion 命運電腦機器人所顯示的訊息

***** The most Dangerous Traffic Accident Bi-Hour Time on this Day (Destined just AT WORST Only ONE Bi-Hour AMONG BELOW and NOT ALL) *****
***** 在這一天中最危險的發生車禍交通事故之兩小時段 (命中注定者最壞只為下列各個兩小時段中之一個時段並非全部時段) *****

#01 BiHour PM 11:00–AM 01:00 (Last Night 前晚 - Early Midnight 今晨夜半)

車禍星方位: 西南向西方 Direction of Traffic-Accident Star: SouthWest to West
碰撞星方位: 西南向西方 Direction of Collision Star: SouthWest to West

The Destined Scheduled Time 先天命中註定時間 (+/- Plus/Minus 10 Minutes 加減 10 分鐘) : 
Last Day MidNight 前晚夜半 PM 11:43:00

The Destined Scheduled Time 先天命中註定時間 (+/- Plus/Minus 10 Minutes 加減 10 分鐘) : 
Last Day MidNight 前晚夜半 PM 11:43:00

The Destined Scheduled Time 先天命中註定時間 (+/- Plus/Minus 10 Minutes 加減 10 分鐘) : 
Early Midnight 今晨夜半 AM 00:16:00

The Destined Scheduled Time 先天命中註定時間 (+/- Plus/Minus 10 Minutes 加減 10 分鐘) : 
Last Day MidNight 前晚夜半 PM 11:06:00

The Destined Scheduled Time 先天命中註定時間 (+/- Plus/Minus 10 Minutes 加減 10 分鐘) : 
Early Midnight 今晨夜半 AM 00:16:00

The Destined Scheduled Time 先天命中註定時間 (+/- Plus/Minus 10 Minutes 加減 10 分鐘) : 
Last Day MidNight 前晚夜半 PM 11:06:00

Event correlative PartySubject and Object : 
事件發生之相關參與人士, 主題及對象目標 : 

Parents and Grand-Parents or close Relatives of the Last/Grand- generation such as Uncles and Aunts/Family Elders/Documents

Self-Health and Self-Illness or Self-Physical Body

Friends and School-or-Job-Mates or Subordinates

Children or close Relatives of the Next generation such as Nephews/Family Youngers

#03 BiHour AM 03:00–AM 05:00 (Dawn 黎明破曉)

車禍星方位: 西南向西方 Direction of Traffic-Accident Star: SouthWest to West
碰撞星方位: 南方 Direction of Collision Star: South

The Destined Scheduled Time 先天命中註定時間 (+/- Plus/Minus 10 Minutes 加減 10 分鐘) : 
Dawn 黎明破曉 AM 04:27:00

The Destined Scheduled Time 先天命中註定時間 (+/- Plus/Minus 10 Minutes 加減 10 分鐘) : 
Dawn 黎明破曉 AM 04:05:00

The Destined Scheduled Time 先天命中註定時間 (+/- Plus/Minus 10 Minutes 加減 10 分鐘) : 
Dawn 黎明破曉 AM 03:05:00

The Destined Scheduled Time 先天命中註定時間 (+/- Plus/Minus 10 Minutes 加減 10 分鐘) : 
Dawn 黎明破曉 AM 04:16:00

The Destined Scheduled Time 先天命中註定時間 (+/- Plus/Minus 10 Minutes 加減 10 分鐘) : 
Dawn 黎明破曉 AM 03:06:00

The Destined Scheduled Time 先天命中註定時間 (+/- Plus/Minus 10 Minutes 加減 10 分鐘) : 
Dawn 黎明破曉 AM 04:16:00

The Destined Scheduled Time 先天命中註定時間 (+/- Plus/Minus 10 Minutes 加減 10 分鐘) : 
Dawn 黎明破曉 AM 03:06:00

Event correlative PartySubject and Object : 
事件發生之相關參與人士, 主題及對象目標 : 

Real Estates or Land/House Property

Children or close Relatives of the Next generation such as Nephews/Family Youngers

Self-Health and Self-Illness or Self-Physical Body

Brothers and Sisters or close Relatives of the Same generation such as Cousins

Actual Realized Event Fact:

(1)   At A.M. 04:00 on 1997/08/31 Princess Diana was declared dead in a car crash that was on the way to the SouthWest to West direction of the Hotel Ritz Paris where she stayed at last night and departed from, then made a left turn to South direction entering the underpass under the Place de l'Alma.

(2)   According to an official report by U.K. Government into the investigation of the death of Diana, Princess of Wales, her car crash accident occurred in Place de l'Alma underpass was At around A.M. 00:23 on 1997/08/31.

(1)1997831日上午AM 04:00黛安娜王妃被宣告不治死亡於她離開前一天晚上所待之巴黎Ritz飯店而前往西南向西方向再進入過河地下道路而轉往南方向的途中所發生之車輛撞毀車禍事件中。

(2) 英國政府官方調查報告書說明此車禍係發生於1997831日上午AM 00:23

Future Prediction Message5

The Car Crash that killed Paul Walker

Even a professional Race Driver shall die if the Direction of Traffic-Accident Star is to be followed at the destined Time

The Message displayed by Orion Fate Computer Robot
Time and Direction of Traffic-Accident Star
Event correlative PartySubject and Object




Orion 命運電腦機器人所顯示的訊息

Paul Walker 保羅沃克Passenger 乘客):

***** The most Dangerous Traffic Accident Bi-Hour Time on this Day (Destined just AT WORST Only ONE Bi-Hour AMONG BELOW and NOT ALL) *****
***** 在這一天中最危險的發生車禍交通事故之兩小時段 (命中注定者最壞只為下列各個兩小時段中之一個時段並非全部時段) *****

#09 BiHour PM 03:00–PM 05:00 (Afternoon 下午)

車禍星方位: 西北向北方 Direction of Traffic-Accident Star: NorthWest to North
碰撞星方位: 東方 Direction of Collision Star: East

The Destined Scheduled Time 先天命中註定時間 (+/- Plus/Minus 10 Minutes 加減 10 分鐘) : 
Afternoon 下午 PM 15:54:00

The Destined Scheduled Time 先天命中註定時間 (+/- Plus/Minus 10 Minutes 加減 10 分鐘) : 
Afternoon 下午 PM 16:38:00

The Destined Scheduled Time 先天命中註定時間 (+/- Plus/Minus 10 Minutes 加減 10 分鐘) : 
Afternoon 下午 PM 16:59:00

The Destined Scheduled Time 先天命中註定時間 (+/- Plus/Minus 10 Minutes 加減 10 分鐘) : 
Afternoon 下午 PM 15:59:00

The Destined Scheduled Time 先天命中註定時間 (+/- Plus/Minus 10 Minutes 加減 10 分鐘) : 
Afternoon 下午 PM 15:22:00

Event correlative PartySubject and Object : 
事件發生之相關參與人士, 主題及對象目標 : 

Parents and Grand-Parents or close Relatives of the Last/Grand- generation such as Uncles and Aunts/Family Elders/Documents

Self-Health and Self-Illness or Self-Physical Body

Friends and School-or-Job-Mates or Subordinates

Children or close Relatives of the Next generation such as Nephews/Family Youngers

Roger Rodas 羅傑羅達斯Driver 駕駛):

***** The most Dangerous Traffic Accident Bi-Hour Time on this Day (Destined just AT WORST Only ONE Bi-Hour AMONG BELOW and NOT ALL) *****
***** 在這一天中最危險的發生車禍交通事故之兩小時段 (命中注定者最壞只為下列各個兩小時段中之一個時段並非全部時段) *****

#09 BiHour PM 03:00–PM 05:00 (Afternoon 下午)

車禍星方位: 西南向西方 Direction of Traffic-Accident Star: SouthWest to West
碰撞星方位: 北方 Direction of Collision Star: North

The Destined Scheduled Time 先天命中註定時間 (+/- Plus/Minus 10 Minutes 加減 10 分鐘) : 
Afternoon 下午 PM 16:27:00

The Destined Scheduled Time 先天命中註定時間 (+/- Plus/Minus 10 Minutes 加減 10 分鐘) : 
Afternoon 下午 PM 15:00:00

The Destined Scheduled Time 先天命中註定時間 (+/- Plus/Minus 10 Minutes 加減 10 分鐘) : 
Afternoon 下午 PM 15:22:00

The Destined Scheduled Time 先天命中註定時間 (+/- Plus/Minus 10 Minutes 加減 10 分鐘) : 
Afternoon 下午 PM 16:59:00

The Destined Scheduled Time 先天命中註定時間 (+/- Plus/Minus 10 Minutes 加減 10 分鐘) : 
Afternoon 下午 PM 15:59:00

Event correlative PartySubject and Object : 
事件發生之相關參與人士, 主題及對象目標 : 

Cash and Fortune or Foods to Eat

Spirit(s) and Leisure or Luck


Career and Job (Money) or Governmental Official Position

Actual Realized Event Fact:

(1) At P.M. 15:26 on 2013/11/30 Paul Walker (Passenger) and Roger Rodas (Driver) were both dead in a car crash that was on the way to the SouthWest to West direction (Location A) on the Copper Hill Drive and made a right turn to North direction (Location B) entering to the Kelly Johnson Parkway.

(2) The car then went on to the NorthWest to North direction (Location C) on the Kelly Johnson Parkway and finally made a sweeping right turn to East direction (Location D) on Hercules Street to strike three trees and then caught on fire.

(3) 20131130日下午PM 15:26保羅沃克(乘客)與羅傑羅達斯駕駛死亡於從銅山丘道前往西南向西方向位置A)再向右轉往北方向位置B)進入凱利強森大道途中所發生之車輛撞毀車禍事件中。

(4) 此車係在凱利強森大道上繼續往西北向北方向位置C)前進最後再掃尾右轉往東方向位置D)進入海克力斯街撞上三顆樹木而起火燃燒。