2017年6月2日 星期五

Even a Kid can become a Fortune-Teller Master! 縱使是小孩也可以成為財運算命大師!

Even a Kid can become a Fortune-Teller Master!

Historical Record #3 Princess Diana 黛安娜王妃
Date of Birth 出生日期: 1961/07/01

Date of Marriage 結婚日期: 1981/07/29
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 98

Date of Divorce 離婚日期: 1996/08/28
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 0

Date of Death in a car crash 車禍死亡日期: 1997/08/31
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 0

Historical Record #4 Steve Jobs 史蒂夫賈伯斯
Date of Birth 出生日期: 1955/02/24

Date of Marriage 結婚日期: 1991/03/18
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 177.8

Date of Resignation as Apple's CEO 辭去蘋果公司執行長職務日期: 2011/08/24
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 0

Date of Death 死亡日期: 2011/10/05
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 0

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World Leading Computerized Future Prediction System
Prediction on ANY DAY after the birthday


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