2016年11月7日 星期一

An All in One Total Solution World Selling Platform for your International Sale 為你的國際銷售所設計之一體成形全方位全球銷售平台

An All in One Total Solution World Selling Platform for your International Sale

Computer Server Space + Software Design + Domain Name + Static IP + Computer Maintenance + Cash Receipt + Marketing /Promotion + Commodity Sale = All in One Total Solution World Selling Platform
電腦主機空間 + 軟體設計 + 網路域名 + 固定位址 + 電腦維護 + 收取貨款 + 市場行銷/促銷 + 商品銷售 =

For the International Sale Commodities excluding drugs and prohibited/dangerous cargoes

All you need to do is just to provide and email a .doc/.docx document file by Microsoft Office Word describing the website page content of your selling commodities and their image files (please refer to the website page content listed below) together with your receiving bank account name and account number (monthly sales are to be closed and remitted to your bank account at the end of each month after deducting 10% of our sales commission fees) to orionandhsu@yahoo.com.tw and orionandhsu@gmail.com . In one week your website selling page will be published on line and commence a business. Your term of service is also commenced to be calculated. We will inform you of the date that is on line and commenced to be calculated for the term as well as your website name and port number such as http://www.orionmuseum.com:xxxxx (xxxxx is the port number 101 – 65530 assigned to your website page by us).

你只需要提供以Microsoft Office Word編排好之 .doc .docx 文件檔,敘明你的商品銷售網頁內容及銷售商品圖檔(可參閱下列網頁內容),並附上你的貨款收款銀行戶名及帳號(每月月底結帳一次將併扣除銷售佣金手續費為結帳總貨款之一成)orionandhsu@yahoo.com.tw orionandhsu@gmail.com 即可。約一週內你的銷售網頁可正式發佈上線做生意並起算使用期限,我們將通知你正式上線並起算使用期限之日期與你的網域名稱及埠號(http://www.orionmuseum.com:xxxxx : xxxxx 為由我們分配予你網頁的阿拉伯數目字埠號 101 - 65530)

Taiwan Tea, Beautiful Apparel & Bags, 2017 Art Taipei World Art Fair and Art Olympiad

We help you market the world by ART and Computer Technology

After your Website Selling Page is on line to commence a business, we will begin to market and promote your commodities by our beautiful ART collections and public media listed below. Your selling price quotation must include international selling delivery charges to customers worldwide and our 10% sales commission fees!


Website Page Service Fees 銷售網頁服務費用:

One Year Service Term 一年期服務 美金 US$ 800.00
Two Years Service Term 二年期服務 美金 US$ 1,200.00
Three Years Service Term 三年期服務 美金 US$ 1,500.00
Four Years Service Term 四年期服務 美金 US$ 1,800.00
Five Years Service Term 五年期服務 美金 US$ 2,000.00

Special Discounts before the end of 2016 / 2016年底前購買特別優惠折扣價格:

One Year Service Term 一年期服務 美金 US$ 600.00
Two Years Service Term 二年期服務 美金 US$ 1,000.00
Three Years Service Term 三年期服務 美金 US$ 1,300.00
Four Years Service Term 四年期服務 美金 US$ 1,600.00
Five Years Service Term 五年期服務 美金 US$ 1,800.00

To order please click PayPal BUY NOW Button or PayPal Add to Cart Button below:

An All in One Total Solution World Selling Platform for your International Sale

(:2016 2016 Year 2016)

Taiwan Tea that makes you to enjoy tea drink like an European King or Queen in the Palace

(:100 即一百度 one hundred degree)

Beautiful Apparel that catches People’s Eyes

(:888 即發發發 more and more prosperous)

2017 Art Taipei World Art Fair and Art Olympiad

(:168 即一路發 all the way to the prosperous)

A Facebook public group "Fine Art to Sell"
  臉書公共社群網站 "藝術精品展售"

Hello! Your beautiful works of art are invited to join a public Facebook group "Fine Art to Sell" to exhibit freely fine art for sale to buyers worldwide.

From Western Oil Paintings to Chinese Watercolor Paintings; from Europe to America via China and Africa by-passing India; from bronze, jade and Jadeite, ceramics, paintings, dinosaur fossils, sculptures, to space meteorites; from century B.C. to A.D.; from US several dollars to millions, and even priceless; from unearthed, unearthed-seabed, to the outer space, you can find many extra-ordinary works of art here in this group!

Over thirty thousand increasing group members, most of them are creative and professional Artists, have offered over four thousand increasing valuable lots for your appreciation and examinations! It’s completely free to be in and free to be out as your wish and to get your knowledge of worldwide art freely!

(Over 30,000 group members and 4,000 artworks)

哈囉! 邀請您美麗的藝術作品歡迎加入臉書公共社群網站 "藝術精品展售" 以便向全世界的買家免費展示.

從西方油畫到中國水墨彩畫; 從歐洲至美洲經由中國與非洲路過印度; 從青銅器, 玉器翡翠, 瓷器, 書畫, 恐龍化石, 雕塑, 至太空隕石; 從西元前至西元後; 從數美元至數百千萬美元, 甚至無價之寶; 從地下出土, 海底床出水, 甚至於外太空, 您可在此臉書公共社群網站中找到許多特別好的藝術作品!

超過三萬位增加中的會員, 其中絕大部分是富有創造力強而專業的藝術作家, 已經提供了超過四千件增加中的名貴藝術作品供您鑑賞! 它是完全免費進入也是免費離開, 且正如您所願, 可以自由進出以取得您的全球藝術知識!


Over 1,600 photos of fine Chinese works of art including Ceramics and Paintings from large museums worldwide and Sotheby’s auctions as well as Christie’s auctions:

(Over 1,600 artworks)

Mr. Orion Hsu
Orion Museum


(Over 855,000 visitors/views/clicks 訪客點閱 with Google+)

(Over 6,237,000 visitors/views/clicks 訪客點閱 with Google+)

(Over 628,000 visitors/views/clicks 訪客點閱 with Google+)

10,000 visitors/views/clicks per day at Flickr

(Over 6,600,000 visitors/views/clicks)